Saturday, October 1, 2011

Re: [android-developers] Re: hello

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Erel <> wrote:
>> not a watered down version intended to
>> make it easier.
> Note that Basic4android is much more than a watered down version of
> the Android SDK. It is a RAD tool for building Android applications.
> Just as an example Basic4android supports many advanced features such
> as USB host, SMTP, POP3, home widgets, services, web services and many
> more.

True. However, RAD tools are intended to complement development of
real applications, not serve as a fallback because you don't know the
real development process. I've got nothing against the use of these
tools for experienced developers, but the point stands: if you're
learning Android development (or any kind of development) it would be
just plain wrong to recommend a tool other than the official SDK.
This is for multiple reasons: future employment possibilities, a much
larger userbase for the official tools (implies faster response to
questions a newcomer may have), and lots of available source.

So again, nothing against basic4android, but as the first thing you
learn I feel that you would be much better to sticking to the sdk,
possibly supplemented by these tools if they become useful later down
the road.

> The IDE is built from scratch for Android development and is therefore
> much simpler than Eclipse.

Perhaps simpler in terms of less overwhelming with respect to general
language features. But again, I think this is probably because there
is a lot less to their language than java (where in eclipse you have
lots of popups for documentation, test cases, etc..., most of which
many people never use..)

Again, not bad, but not a clear reason why someone wouldn't want to
use eclipse, especially being a CS major you've probably experienced
something very similar before.


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