Sunday, November 27, 2011

[Rails] Re: Unable to Start with Rails.

I've only recently started with Ruby on Rails myself. Check out my
insights, procedures, and deployed projects at
. I put this page together partly as a resource for the Ruby on Rails
community but mostly as a reference for myself.

The things I insist on:
1. I do my Ruby on Rails development in VirtualBox. Like you, I
found it tricky to properly set everything up - you need the right
versions of multiple packages. It felt like I had to make sure all
the planets were properly aligned. VirtualBox allows me to install a
Linux distro on a virtual drive and take snapshots. If I screw up, I
can return to a previous snapshot rather than have to start over. I
know that many people like RVM. I tried to use it, but I couldn't get
it to work, so I stick to using VirtualBox snapshot to seamlessly
switch from one snapshot to another. (I recommend using one of the
newest VirtualBox versions so you get the clone feature.)
2. I insist on deploying early and often. This allows me to spot any
deployment problems early on and correct them. I once tried waiting
until the end to start deployment (because the book did), and I
couldn't get my app deployed.

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