Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Re: Integrating GWT with Tomcat and Jersey

I'm not sure if this is your issue but the WEBINF directory should
have a dash ('-'): WEB-INF

Tomcat will look for the specific name and then look for the lib
directory under that.


On Nov 7, 9:28 am, Brandon Donnelson <branflake2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I do is:
> If your not using the standalone install:
> 1. Manually compile the project
> 2. Zip up the war directory and it should end up something like project.zip
> (make sure the war directory is the root and not a folder in the zip file)
> 3. rename the war directory zip file to something like ROOT.war or path.war
> or GotoHere.war
> 4. drop the war into the webapps diredtory and it should unzip. If it
> doesn't unzip it on the server yourself. I like instlall the tomcat manager
> and deploy that way.
> 5. I find you won't have to do any settings but maybe security, but that
> can be done in a context.xml file if needed. You may have to tell tomcat to
> observe for context.xml files.
> Here are some notes I've put together.http://code.google.com/p/gwt-examples/wiki/gwtTomcat
> Hope that helps,
> Brandon Donnelson

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