Thursday, December 29, 2011

CakePHP and a normalized database

Quick question, I have the following normalized MySQL database with

- id
- username
- password
- person_id

- id
- firstname
- lastname
- address_id
- email_id

- id
- address
- city_id
- state_id
- country_id
- zipcode_id

- id
- country

I have been having problems setting the correct cakephp Model
relations between them. Actually, after reading the documentation I'm
not really sure if it's even possible to have this kind of databas
structure work with cakephp.

So far this is what I have:
Users - belongsTo/hasOne - People (person_id)
People - belongsTo/hasOne - Addresses (address_id)
Addresses - belongsTo/hasOne - Countries (country_id)

So, when I use the User model how can I have cakephp return everything
from the user's firstname, lastname, to the address including country
and states?
To make matters more difficult, how can I have cakePHP (using the
FormHelper) insert an user account that has the firstname and lastname
(this I already got working), and also the address, city, state and
country (this I can't figure it out)?

My issue is that the Countries table for example is related to the
Address table but not to the People table directly nor the Users table

Any help or guidance would be truly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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