Thursday, December 1, 2011

[Rails] Re: rails default route to database

Thanks for your reply. Actually I want to go a bit deeper so that I
can decide what to do with the path before the controller method gets
called. In other words I need to have a method called that will
determine which controller and action will be called.

On Dec 1, 7:24 pm, Philip Hallstrom <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to extend the Rails Router so that if none of the routes
> > defined matches the current query it will call a specific method which
> > will return the controller and method to be called in order to serve
> > the request.
> > Now I have a few years of experience with Rails and Ruby and I've
> > tried looking through the code, but I've never been into the Rails
> > core so I'm not really sure where to look.
> You shouldn't need to dig into the source... just add something like this as the *very last* route..
>   match '*full_url', :controller => :foo, :action => :index
> Then make sure you've got a FooController with a #index action that can examine params[:full_url] and figure out what to do with it...
> -philip

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