Sunday, March 25, 2012

[android-developers] Wifi manager woes

Based on some events, I'm trying to switch on or off wifi.
Switching wifi off works well. But while switching on wifi, 95% of the time, it can't reconnect to my previous wifi network.
If I goto the settings -> wifi, then I see that it's trying to connect, and after a while it'll disconnect.
But wifi service is on.
Sometimes 'reconnect' call returns false.
I went to the extent of waiting until the wifi service is switched on, before reconnecting.
Any idea as to how I can reconnect to my previous (or any) wifi network.
 WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
android.text.format.Time cTime = new android.text.format.Time();
     android.text.format.Time nTime = new android.text.format.Time();
 if(!wifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true)) {
  Log.e("Err", "setWifiEnabled - true, failed");
// wait for about 5 seconds until wifi service is actually switched on
      long diff = nTime.toMillis(true) - cTime.toMillis(true);
      if(diff > 5000)
      int  state = wifiManager.getWifiState();
      if(wifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED == state)
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      nTime.setToNow(); // update to the latest time....

if(!wifiManager.reconnect()) {
      Log.e("Err", "Wifi manager (reconnect) failed");



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