Wednesday, March 7, 2012

[Rails] Re: At least one entry for DB

El miércoles 7 de marzo de 2012 10:01:30 UTC+1, User escribió:
Rails 3.1.3

I have models and their association like,

Video 1: -------- n: Script

When users newly create a Video, I want it to create the very first
Script entry together.

I have put

    @script = =>, :startp => 0, :text =>
'ToDo: ')

in Video controller, 'new' action, but it doesn't work (:startp value is
determined for the first one).

How can I create a Script entity together with Video?

Also, if possible, I want that first Script entry to be undestroyable.
Do you think I can do it?

Thanks in advance,


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You can use either an after_create on the model or an observer which observes a Video creation. 
Personally, I usually prefer observers which seem less intrusive to me, giving a better to make it active or unactive, but some people think the other way.

To make your first script undestroyable, you can add a column to the model or a 'before_destroy' which checks if its the first Script created for a given Video, a method to check this same condition and hide 'destroy' links... there is a lot of ways to do this.

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