Thursday, May 17, 2012

[android-developers] Using MonkeyRunner to test apps on several emulators

Hi there,

I am writing a set of scripts that drive an app on several emulators simultaneously. My main script spawns several threads, each of which runs an instance of MonkeyRunner and I am using a Monkey script to interact with the app and using a loop calling repeatedly 


to identify the class that originates the current activity. This is to react differently by performing different actions depending on the activity being displayed.
This seems to work reasonably well for one emulator, but the moment I have two or more emulators running at the same time, the call to device.getProperty('am.current.comp.class') seems to get stuck on a class that displayed an earlier activity.
Any idea why that might be? Note that I am connecting to the correct emulator by using 

device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(deviceId=emulatorName)

where emulatorName starts off tipically at 'emulator-5554'.

Alternatively, is there a more reliable way to achieve this with a sort of monitoring app that sits in the emulator and, somehow (not sure how), communicates with the driving script?

Many thanks,

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