[Rails] How to load a selection list into the method new of a controller?
Hi friends!
I'm relatively new with Rails and I'm struggling for a long time with this problem (it should have a pattern solution but until now I didn't find it): I have the following models: Institution, City, State and Country.
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :states
has_many :cities, :through => :states
# == Schema Information
# Table name: countries
# id :integer not null, primary key
# sigla :string(2) not null
# nome :string(30) not null
class State < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :cities
has_many :institutions, :through => :cities
belongs_to :country
# == Schema Information
# Table name: states
# id :integer not null, primary key
# country_id :integer not null
# sigla :string(2) not null
# nome :string(40) not null
class City < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :institutions
belongs_to :country
belongs_to :state
# == Schema Information
# Table name: cities
# id :integer not null, primary key
# country_id :integer not null
# state_id :integer not null
# nome :string(40) not null
class Institution < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :city
# == Schema Information
# Table name: institutions
# id :integer not null, primary key
# city_id :integer
The table states is pre-loaded with all Brazil's states (seed):
State.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'ZZ'").id, nome: 'desconhecido', sigla: 'ZZ')
State.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'BR'").id, nome: 'Distrito Federal', sigla: 'DF')
State.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'BR'").id, nome: 'Acre', sigla: 'AC') ... and so on...
City.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'BR'").id,
state_id: State.find(:first, conditions: "nome = 'desconhecido'").id,
nome: 'desconhecida')
City.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'BR'").id,
state_id: State.find(:first, conditions: "nome = 'Paraná'").id,
nome: 'Cianorte')
City.create!(country_id: Country.find(:first, conditions: "sigla = 'BR'").id,
state_id: State.find(:first, conditions: "nome = 'São Paulo'").id,
nome: 'Campinas') ... and so on...
When I create a new institution, I have to select a city from a drop-down list. But I need to constrain this list with the state the cities belong to. So I tried this way:
Application.routes.draw do
get "states/index"
resources :institutions do
post 'selstate'
resources :cities
resources :states, only: :index
rake routes:
states_index GET /states/index(.:format) states#index
institution_selstate POST /institutions/:institution_id/selstate(.:format) institutions#selstate
institutions GET /institutions(.:format) institutions#index
POST /institutions(.:format) institutions#create
new_institution GET /institutions/new(.:format) institutions#new
Institution new template:
<%= form_for(@institution) do |f| %>
<legend>Cidade onde se localiza a instituição</legend>
<div class="field">
Estado selecionado:
<%= @estado_selecionado %>
<%= link_to "Selecionar estado...", states_path %><br />
<%= f.label :cidade %>
<%= f.collection_select :city_id, @cities, :id, :nome, include_blank: true %>
<!--%#= link_to "Incluir nova cidade", new_city_path %--> (to be included later)
<% end %>
State index template:
<h3>Selecione um estado</h3>
<% @states.each do |s| %>
<td><%= s.sigla %></td>
<td><%= s.nome %></td>
<td><%= button_to 'Selecionar', institution_selstate_path( s ) %></td>
<% end %>
class StatesController < ApplicationController
def index
@states = State.where('nome != ?', 'desconhecido').order(:nome)
class InstitutionsController < ApplicationController
def new
@institution = Institution.new
if session[:state_id].nil?
session[:state_id] = State.find_by_sigla('ZZ').id
@estado_selecionado = State.find(session[:state_id]).nome
if @estado_selecionado == 'desconhecido'
@cities = City.all
@cities = City.where('state_id = ?', session[:state_id]).order(:nome)
respond_to do |format| ...
def create
@institution = Institution.new(params[:institution])
respond_to do |format|
if @institution.save ...
def selstate
session[:state_id] = params[:id]
redirect_to new_institution_path
As you can see, after select the state, I return to the Institution new action. My hope was to have a state selected and the cities list constrained to those pertaining to that state. But nothing happens. I receive the same screen before the state selection. I have many similar situations in my system... all waiting for this solution :-) .
Is my approach correct?
Any help will be very appreciated. Sorry my bad english!
Thanks in advance!
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