Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Re: [android-developers] Re: How to retrieve Intents used by installed apps on the phone

Of potential interest along this same line is Stowaway,


It's analysis, while necessarily static, seems to work quite well, for
the perhaps uninteresting cases..

And of course, as Chris points out, you can imagine situations where
the user constructs intents using strings input by the user, but in
practice, you're almost never going to see a string for an intent
object that can't be reconstructed by using some global constant
propagation. The exception to this case is when you have some strange
RPC sharing pattern, but I've never seen that. In these cases any
analysis will simply fail, and usually error on the side of caution,
telling you you do in fact need the permission..


On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Kristopher Micinski
<krismicinski@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:17 AM, Chris Stratton <cs07024@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 5, 7:29 pm, Kristopher Micinski <krismicin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> Is there any way to retrieve the Intents used by intalled apps on the
>>> >> phone? For example, how do I know that one app could send an Intent to
>>> >> invoke Camera app or Email app or Text Message app?
>>> But you could track this in the system, of course, which is what I
>>> assume the OP wanted to do..
>> Well, you can't really detect the potential (how do I know that one
>> app "could") due to the potential crossovers between inputs, data, and
>> code represented by things like intent objects and reflection.
> I spend a fair amount of time in research on static analysis of
> permissions in Android apps doing exactly this, ;-)...
> A number of other systems try to do the same..
> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
>> You can however detect the actual attempt as it occurs, to a degree by
>> watching the logs, and more substantially by modifying the platform to
>> in effect breakpoint Intent sending.
> Right, I think that's what I said, isn't it?  I don't think I
> mentioned potential, just dynamically, which is, as I said, what I
> interpreted the OP to mean...
> kris

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