Saturday, July 21, 2012

Re: Cake PHP User Management Plugin Eagle

I have read your reply but I believe giving a bad name to a product without testing or even proper knowledge gives bad business to a good product which is not moralistic. I shall give answer to you one by one.

This site was not made for Design. Its for Plugin. There is nothing in design. Everything is in Code. We have made this Plugin to ease the work of those guys using Cake PHP who wants User Management on their end. Regarding the Testing part, you can click on this link: and type username: admin and password: 123456. You can see the password.

And we are not asking a huge money. This Plugin has 56 features which makes it a $197 original price but we are giving it at $30 only under an offer price.

You must read 56 Features of Cake PHP Eagle Plugin which are:
  1. Clean code with formatting
  2. Login
  3. Registration
  4. Cookie login/ Remember me functionality
  5. Add/Edit/Delete User By Admin
  6. Add/Edit/Delete Group By Admin
  7. Change Password
  8. Forgot Password
  9. Change User Password by Admin
  10. List of all Users
  11. List of all Groups
  12. Manage site Permissions using Ajax updation, Permission caching functionality for fast checking
  13. User's Email Verification
  14. User Profile View
  15. User activation by Admin
  16. Routing long urls to small urls
  17. Login with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Four Square, Gmail, Yahoo.
  18. Plugin takes the image from facebook, linkedin, twitter and updates as profile image
  19. If a user sign in with facebook etc for the first time then plugin automatically register him/her, If a user is already registered with same email then plugin will associate old account with facebook etc. So there will be no duplicacy.
  20. All Configurations are database driven.
  21. View Online users and guest
  22. Admin can sign out any user at any time and Admin also can inactive that user so that user cannot sign in again
  23. Deleting cakephp cache in a single click on production
  24. Captcha support in registration form
  25. CSRF/XSS protection
  26. Nice pagination for list
  27. SSL support for selected pages or whole site
  28. Profile view with nice design
  29. password are salted with hash
  30. Cross browser CSS optimized code
  31. Strict form validations
  32. Allow/Disallow deletion of user account
  33. If admin deletes user account then user will automatically sign out(if signed in)
  34. Image resize helper: using this you can resize image or can crop with desired size
  35. Cake CSS removed now umstyle.css contains plugin css. You can use cake generic css with this plugin if you want.
  36. Ajax Form Validations
  37. Ajax Form Validations with File/Image (Hope you will like it)
  38. Ajax Pagination
  39. Ajax Sorting on all List pages
  40. Ajax Search/Filter Options on List Pages
  41. Ajax Suggestion/Autocomplete on Search/Filter text boxes
  42. User Activation/Deactivation by Ajax
  43. User Deletion by Ajax
  44. User Email Verification by Ajax
  45. Image Validation with allow Empty (Hope you will like it)
  46. Preserve pagination number after user View/Edit/Change User Password
  47. Assign user to multiple groups By Admin
  48. $var is available in all views. It contains logged in user information you can print it in any view file to see what's inside it.
  49. You can use Username after domain name for profile or any page, like facebook. Strong username validation added. Now user cannot take username like your controller name, your custom route name for ex 'login' etc.
  50. Browser Cache control. Some time you made any change in CSS or JS file and your users do not see changes due to browser cache.
  51. Remember me cookie name is now configurable. This will help for your multiple projects with same plugin code. And also helpful for disable user's browser cookie if needed.
  52. Ajax login redirect. If user session is timed out and needs to login again. Now it works on ajax call too.
  53. Clear button is added on search form for clearing all filter conditions.
  54. Now all social login window will open in new pop up window. Before It was not in twitter and foursquare. Popup window is now auto re-sizable.
  55. Image resize helper modified. Now it can resize all images inside webroot. Before It was restricted to img folder.
  56. Blackhole error message now handled. Black hole request is due to Cakephp security component. If some one tries to use form tampering then cakephp security component throws Black hole exception. Now it is handled by callback function.

On Sunday, July 15, 2012 8:21:27 PM UTC+5:30, Steve wrote:

hi guys, we have launched an amazing Plugin "Eagle" for Cake PHP. It is user management Plugin which has 56 features. It also gives you Login with FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google and Yahoo. You can read all its features here: and you can check the Plugin here: , you can test the Plugin on this link: , default username and password is 123456, check it and tell us the feedback.


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