Sunday, July 1, 2012

Re: [Rails] running model methods from command line

Try create just a ruby script and include 'rubygems' and 'active_record':

#!/path/to/ruby    require 'rubygems'  require 'active_record'

You must include all the models you need also.

Then give execute permission to your script:
chmod a+x myscript.rb
--  Nielson Rolim
On 01-07-2012 08:15, bingo bob wrote:
hi chaps - i've got a project where I have very limited resources on the  device rails runs on (raspberry pi) - basically i have rails server  running… then periodically i fire off rails runner Model.method  (from  an external program on the device)…. all works fine but it's terribly  slow - I think it's because every time runner fires it's starting up a  whole new rails environment - is that assumption correct ?    After that - what's a better way ?    I mean I could use delayed job right ? but I don't see how that would  help as the environment would still have to be loaded each time - that  right ?    


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