Monday, August 6, 2012

[android-developers] Nexus 7 drawable

I just received a message from a Nexus 7 user that my game broke on this device with a background too small. My game runs on Android 2.1 and above, and I try to optimized for different devices (including TV). Since I used surface to draw the background image, I need to have a specified image size to show properly.

Since I don't have a Nexus 7, I created an AVD to test it.

I tried putting 800x1280 in many drawables - hdpi, large-hdpi, mdpi, large-mdpi, tvdpi ... all does not work. The image is still too small. Does anybody know what's the correct drawable to use for Nexus 7 - without it scaled down my background? Or is it the AVD issue?


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