Thursday, August 9, 2012

ordering of post_syncdb signals?

Hi folks, I am a little confused with the ordering of the post_syncdb
signal? (using 1.2.4)

Looking at the code in auth and contenttype, what makes
auth.permission so sure that the appropriate content type was created
before the necessary permission is created?

Similarly, I have another app called 'payment', and inside my
management/, i have the following:

from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission
import payment.models as payModels

def init_permissions(sender, **kwargs):
""" initialization when appliation starts """
agents = Group.objects.get(name = "agents")
import pdb
if not
perm = Permission.objects.get(codename="can_buy_package")

post_syncdb.connect(init_permissions, sender=payModels)

I couldn't get this to work because the permissions were not created
for my models at this stage. So, how is the ordering of the
post_syncdb executed?

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