Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Re: I want to find records during last 24 hours

Ok, try with this:

$users = $this->User->find('all', array('conditions' => array('User.last_seen BETWEEN NOW() -INTERVAL 1 DAY AND NOW()'), 'recursive' => -2);

I have doubt about INTERVAL sintax but this is the correct sintax for cakephp.

Murgan, Alexis Germán
Desarrollador & Diseñador
Web: german.murgan.com.ar
Email: german@murgan.com.ar
MSN: german@murgan.com.ar
Móvil: +5493424663813

2012/8/21 MetZ <metz80@gmail.com>

No,, that one also return empty array :(

Thanks anyway! any other suggestion?


kl. 20:19:16 UTC+2 tirsdag 21. august 2012 skrev Mancho Murgan følgende:
Try with this sintax:

$users = $this->User->find('all', array('conditions' => array('User.last_seen BETWEEN NOW() AND NOW() -INTERVAL 1 DAY'), 'recursive' => -2);

Murgan, Alexis Germán
Desarrollador & Diseñador
Web: german.murgan.com.ar
Email: ger...@murgan.com.ar
MSN: ger...@murgan.com.ar
Móvil: +5493424663813

2012/8/21 MetZ <met...@gmail.com>

How can I find the Users that are "last_seen" the last 24hours?

  [User][last_seen] => 2012-08-18 08:10:31

last_seen is updated each time a logged in user browse the website with current timestamp

This is what I have tried this far:

  $users = $this->User->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('User.last_seen >' =>'BETWEEN NOW() AND NOW()- INTERVAL 24 HOURS'),'recursive'=>-2));

But my array is coming back empty.


As always!! You are awesome! Thanks for your time!


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