Saturday, August 18, 2012

Re: [Rails] How to Include Gem in Different Path

On 17 August 2012 23:29, Admin Tensor <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried Ruby on Rails (with RailsInstaller 2.1.0) and it works fine
> on my PC. However, when I put this on the website, I got the following
> error message:
> Could not find multi_json-1.3.6 in any of the sources
> (Bundler::GemNotFound)
> The problem is that the website has multi_json 1.0.4. The website
> allows me to download my own gems, but after the process, it is located
> at /home/username/ruby/gems/gems/multi_json-1.3.6, while my rails app is
> located at /home/username/myapp.
> What is the best way to fix this so that the rails at the website can
> find my multi_json gem? Thanks.
> (The rails on the website is 3.1.3, while on the PC it is 3.2.1, and the
> website does not allow a shell access.)

An app written for rails 3.2.1 will not run on 3.1.3, so you must also
find a solution to that problem. A server provider that supports
Rails must provide a mechanism for you to use the gems you need, but
this will vary dependent on the tools used by that provider. You must
ask the provider how to solve your problems. If the provider does not
actively support rails then you need to move to a different provider.
Heroku is used by many for rails deployment and is free for small


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