Monday, September 3, 2012

Installation script?

I've created a Django web service consisting of two separate sites, by
default running on the same server, which implements a "document broker"
service capable of centralizing the generation of office documents.

This work was made on behalf of my employer Magenta ApS - the code is
available on the Subversion server for the Danish Agency for
if anyone is interested:

As it is, the installation procedure is:

* Get the code directory by unpacking the tarball or checking out the code

* Check the INSTALL file for dependencies, install all dependencies
(Debian/Ubuntu is strongly preferred)

* Run the "create_virtualenv" bash script to create the Python
virtualenv and install Django and a lot of Python packages

* Softlink or copy the Apache config files to
/etc/apache2/sites-available, manually update paths, etc.

* Create the necessary databases and update the files of the
two sites.

We'd like to be able to automate all of this, so that the user can
install these two services by running a single installation script.

I'm working on how to create source distribution tarballs with
setuptools and a file. However, setuptools and distutils will
only *install* my packages as Python packages and not set up the sites,
and that is *not* what we want. We'd like to create a complete
installation program so the user could just

* grab the tarball
* run "sudo" or whatever
* enter some ports and paths configuration
* and now, up and running.

But how do I do that for a web service which is really a complete Django
site? is obviously the Python Way of installing packages, but
is there a Django Way of creating and distributing installation programs
for web services which are entire site implementations?

best regards and thanks in advance,

Carsten Agger

Carsten Agger
Magenta ApS
Åbogade 15
8200 Århus N

Tlf +45 5060 1269
Mob +45 2086 5010

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