Re: [android-developers] Re: [Android LVL] Sporadic false negatives on client devices
2012/10/28 Silvio Marano <>:
> Have you get any answer by Google Support?...
I don't remember if I reported this issue to support -- I just think
it's useless. Personal opinion, you don't have to be so pessimistic
(or realistic?) as I am.
I have tried many times to
> report this problem without success, and the staff give me only standard
> answer without read my messages
Yep. Unless you contact them with a specific request (I understand
they do app transfers between accounts really well), it's about as
useful as running naked in the woods, shouting. Maybe less so.
Personal opinion again (haven't tried that last part).
Maybe their engineers can't fix those occasional LVL and purchasing
failures, and that's why support acts like this, who knows?
The volume of data is huge, their code complexity must be tremendous,
and they're always adding new features. Google hires the best of the
best of the best, but they're only human too.
-- K
and the LVL server doesn't respond to app
> checking and gives only timeouts
> Il giorno martedì 8 maggio 2012 13:31:40 UTC+2, Kostya Vasilyev ha scritto:
>> Not specifically a NOT_LICENSED response, but I recently had two users
>> where the LVL check was consistently, repeatedly timing out.
>> My LVL code is basically stock, based on next-to-last LVL version.
>> Based on logcat traces (both users were kind enough to provide these), my
>> code was able to request Market license checks just fine, but there was no
>> answer of any kind within the standard 15 second timeout.
>> Both users recently received official 4.0.* firmware upgrades, and both
>> have other devices with the same Google account configured in Market.
>> Go figure.
>> -- K
>> 08.05.2012 14:28, albnok написал:
>> I get this on my own app, also having LVL. Quite embarrassing to try to
>> demonstrate the app to a friend and then it occasionally says that my copy
>> is not licensed - I have purchased it (since it was published using a
>> different account.)
>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 9:07:23 PM UTC+8, Florin wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have an Android developer account and a couple of paid apps
>>> published on the Market since a while now. I have decided to use
>>> Android LVL for copy protection from the start on all of my apps, I
>>> found it pretty straightforward to use so I told myself why not? extra
>>> security is better than no security, right?
>>> However, after almost one year since my apps have been out in the
>>> wild, I keep getting from time to time unsatisfied customers which
>>> after purchasing one app constantly get NOT_LICENSED replies from
>>> Android licensing servers. And I'm not talking only about occasional
>>> NOT_LICENSED caused either by lack of network coverage etc. but about
>>> clients which try for days and days(yes, there are clients like this,
>>> and they are right, since they paid for their apps!) and still get
>>> Now, here goes my questions:
>>> 1) For Android dev and apps publishers out there: have you noticed any
>>> wave of false negatives complaints from your clients lately? The above-
>>> mentioned symptom occurs in my case since the beginning, but since 2
>>> weeks now it happens at a much higher frequency.
>>> 2) For any Google representative who might see this: are there any
>>> kind of License Validation statistics on the Android Licensing server
>>> side? Like for instance validation attempts per application, with
>>> timestamp and Android Market client version and client ID(not email
>>> for security reasons but "something")? And with some extra message
>>> giving a reason for NOT_LICENSED?(apart the obvious didn't buy reason,
>>> could there be others?)
>>> I think this should be implemented at LVL level and not at app level
>>> due to permissions requirement(an app implementing statistics would
>>> definitely require network access which for some apps does not
>>> justify). So, can we have access to these statistics? If not now,
>>> maybe sometimes in the future?
>>> Florin.
>> --
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>> --
>> Kostya Vasilyev
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