Wednesday, December 12, 2012

[android-developers] Better view recycling like the Google Play App

I'm wondering if anyone could give me ideas about how the Google Play app implements its list of apps (e.g. the search results page). I'm specifically interested in how it handles the apps icon because, it appears to be lazy loaded (flinging down the list will show a placeholder) but it seems to be able to instantly show (read: never see the placeholder) the icon when you scroll the app list in the other direction. My experience has been that when rebuilding using a recycled view, there is lag when 'repopulating' the ImageView as it displays the placeholder image and then the desired bitmap when ready.

I have implemented the following:
  1. In memory and on disk cache
  2. Sub-sampling of images
  3. View recycling
I still get this clunky experience that, when a recycled view is used and the bitmap must be loaded, even from memory, the app shows the placeholder image. Is the issue just with GridView or is there something else I should look at?

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