Thursday, December 6, 2012

[android-developers] Can't Use Raw Links and Anchor Links in One TextView?

I'm trying to display some text that I get from various web sources in some TextViews. The data is out of my control and may contain links to other sites. The links may be "raw" or "anchored". By this I mean:

Raw link is like
Anchored link is like <a href="">Google</a>

I set the text on the TextView using Html.fromHtml().

I'd like to be able to click any of these links to go to the linked sites, but apparently the TextView can only support one or the other but not both of these at the same time .. ?

I can use the autoLink=true property on the TextView to make raw links clickable, but the anchor links are not affected.

I can use the LinkMovementMethod to get the anchor link to be clickable, but the raw links are not affected.

But if I use both the autoLink and LinkMovementMethod, the autoLink property seems to take precedence and makes the raw links clickable but the anchor links do nothing.

I'm finding discussion on StackOverflow and this group about enabling linking in a TextView using each method, but nothing about this apparent conflict when using both. Nor do I see a bug report about this issue. I must be missing obvious ... surely I can have these two types of links work in one TextView.

My alternative would be to use a WebView, but that would complicate my layout, and it really seems like this should work ...

Can anyone confirm is this is a bug or feature or what I'm missing and offer a solution or workaround?


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