[android-developers] Info: Research notes on using GSON for Mobile App Storage
Article: GSON for Mobile App Storage
Here is an abstract:
You will be surprised how GSON can propel your mobile app productivity
especially release 1 candidates. In this approach you will represent
the persistent state of your apps as JSON. You will use the
"Beautiful" tool GSON from google to convert your application objects
to JSON and persist the resulting JSON string either in a shared
preference or on internal storage as files.
This article answers the following questions
What does Android recommend for data storage options? The Official line!
The JSON solution
What is GSON?
What is GSON's homepage?
Is there a user guide for GSON?
Can I save nested objects?
Can I save nested collections of objects?
How are characters in strings escaped?
How do you add external jar files to Android APK file?
What are shared preferences?
Difference between getSharedPreferences and getPreferences?
How to get a context independent of an activity?
Where are shared preference files stored?
How do you save JSON to a shared preference file?
What does the saved preference file look like?
How do you read JSON from shared preferences back as Java Objects?
How does escape characters work in android preferences?
What is internal storage?
How do you save to internal storage?
How do you restore objects from internal storage?
Should you use external storage like the SD card?
What are the useful references while working with this approach?
How do you code such a way that you can migrate in the future to SqlLite?
What Next?
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