Saturday, December 1, 2012

[Rails] Re: spree commerce file working flow

The source files are coming from the spree gem, which is a Rails Engine (in short, a Rails Engine has all the architecture and code to function as an full Rails app, but treats your Rails app as the main app and itself as a secondary/auxilliary app). You can look at specific spree files whereever you install your gems locally as well as here,

In terms of overriding Spree, check out these links,

On Friday, November 30, 2012 11:18:38 PM UTC-6, User wrote:
I like to deploy the Spreecommerce locally and want to implement my own
changes. I have deployed successfully but I don't know where the actual
sources files comes or running. I need help to sort this out. Please can
any one help me.

Thanks in Advance

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