Sunday, December 16, 2012

Re: [android-developers] Testing in-app purchases is incompatible with monotonically increasing Android versions

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Raymond C. Rodgers
<> wrote:
> I may be mistaken, but I think that with the first apk uploaded to test
> with, you can then distribute updated debug copies outside of the Play
> Store/developer console and the correct (or at least updated) behavior will
> be exhibited in those debug copies. As far as I know, you only need to have
> an initial apk in the developer console so you can create the in-app items
> and debug prior to release.

The draft app in the console needs to have the same version number and
signature (release key) as the one you are testing. As long as your test
APK has the same version number and signature, testing should work.
The binaries don't need to be the same, so you can test, fix, etc. until
you are done. You can of course set the debuggable flag in your test
APK to true if you need to. Then just replace the APK in the console.
It also takes a few hours for the draft apk to be picked up by Play
Store servers.

That's for v1 and v2 in-app billing, it might be slightly different for v3.

> I *don't think* you have to continually upload the updated the apk as you
> work on the app.

Right, you don't need to do this.

And the of course the version number doesn't have inherent meaning for
the Play Store servers or client, so it really doesn't matter whether you
start from 1 or 42. You users will also see the string versionName.
No reason to obsess about the actual number.

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