Thursday, December 13, 2012

Re: Wishlist - What GWT developers want for Christmas

Looks like our login form is using wrong scope from OAuth API. We'll fix this asap. We are definitely not using contacts (only stored information is persons own email-address).

The wishlist page is quite simple and there is no admin inferface, so there is no be easy way to edit the contents. I think that better than trying to remove duplicates (and for that matter split comments with multiple proposals), you might like to analyze the most important stuff (both by seeing votes and number of similar entries) and publish a blog post about the analysis. This would probably clarify the results.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 6:53:09 PM UTC+2, V.B. wrote:
Hello Joonas,
   Thanks for your work on the report and for posting the wishlist.
While I agree with the previous post that the majority of the 2,600 wishlist items are duplicates, there are several other valid items buried in the middle or near bottom of the list, which were not covered in the report. At the moment, these are not getting much attention because most voters stop looking after the first 50 or so items. For example, I found comments from a number of members about bugs that don't get fixed (e.g. some are even 2-3 years old), and patches that don't get accepted. I also saw some very important comments about how GWT needs to be better marketed/publicized in order to attract more developers. I suspect that issues like these would get much more up-voting if they were more visible. Perhaps a member of the community (me, for example) could volunteer to remove duplicates, or perhaps the list could be randomized every time it's viewed. Anything to make sure all the important issues get attention.

On a separate note, I think even more members might log in and vote if not for the Access-to-Contacts requirement.

Thanks again.

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