Thursday, January 10, 2013

Re: [android-developers] How to call startactivityforresult from a non-activity class to get the resuts

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Kevin Duffey <> wrote:
> Couldn't someone using this library call it from within an Activity, passing
> "this" to that code and using "this" create the activity at that point when
> it's needed?

Yes, but that does not handle the onActivityResult() portion. You can
create wrappers that attempt to simplify this somewhat (e.g., Barcode
Scanner and its IntentIntegrator), but the hosting app still needs an
activity that has onActivityResult() that, at best, can forward the
result to the library for further processing.

If the OP's library is a simple wrapper around some activity, akin to
Barcode Scanner and IntentIntegrator, then I'm less worried. The OP's
library seems to be more involved than that, in which case the
developer using the library may need greater control over this
launched activity. Even with Barcode Scanner, we see developers
wanting different behavior (e.g,. no dependencies on the Barcode
Scanner app, ability to add information to the scanning activity UI).

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) | |

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