Sunday, February 17, 2013

[Rails] Re: Where do Gems Live (e.g. CKEditor)

Javier Quarite wrote in post #1097393:
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 4:25 AM, Jonathon M. <>
> wrote:
>> I'm a Rails newbie and I have added the CKEditor Gem which is working
>> okay. To configure the gem though, you have to edit the config file,
>> which is also working when I do that. However, when I push to github and
>> pull to my other computer, the config file is not changed.
>> This lead me to the following broader question: when you use a gem,
>> where does the code go and how can you make sure it all gets deployed -
>> especially with regards to CKEditor as the other stuff seems to work.
> Are you using something like rvm/rbenv? if not then you can do "which
> rails" and you'll get the path where the rails gem is.
> If you are using a ruby version manager, then it's inside .rvm or .rbenv
> folder, in a folder called "gems", as you are downloading the gem as a
> git
> repository (that's my guess) I assume it will be inside a "bundler"
> folder.
> Javier

Yes, I'm using rvm. So the CKeditor gem will be there. If I want to
modify the gem and have that modification passed to my deployed site do
I need to move it to within my assets (or whatever)? I ask because
otherwise when I run bundle install on the deployed site (heroku hosted)
it will just install the regular ckeditor files won't it, without my

And thanks a lot for the response!


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