Friday, February 15, 2013

Re: baking cakephp on MAC OS

This maybe an old topic but I also got into the same issue with CakePHP 2.xx in MacOS X..The solution for me was
simple. I just changed the host value in database.php from localhost to and I am able to bake again.. :)

On Wednesday, 21 January 2009 19:55:36 UTC+8, leo wrote:
> I  install fresh mysql, phpmyadmin but not working ?

phpMyadmin won't help much except to say a PHP is talking to a MySQL.

When you did the ps - ef | grep mysql.sock what were the outputs for
file= and socket= ? Was there more than one?

Do they correspond to the XAMPP directories?

What is the status of the servers as displayed by XAMPP?

Just a thought, but it may be that if you turn off web sharing (System
Preferences->Internet & Network->sharing->web sharing) that will sort
it all out as it should (I think) stop the native Apache server.

I used XAMPP on a PC sometime ago, but I used MAMP on my Mac and
second Chad's comments, except to say that I didn't like the setup
very much and eventually it killed itself, so I performed a base
install of MySQL. I also had the problem that when testing on Windows
on a different machine, Windows could only see the native Apache and
not the MAMP stack.

Now everything is stable and there is no confusion about which Apache
is which or which PHP etc. Unless you're very confident working in
UNIX, have OS X install disks, good backups and no hair, I wouldn't
recommend this route, though.

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