Monday, February 25, 2013

Re: how to use static in development with PyCharm?

Hi, I know it may not be direct answer for your question, but try to avoid of hard defined paths.

Handling File Paths

One function of your settings is to tell Django where to find things such as your static media and templates. Most likely they'll already live inside your project. If so, let Python generate the absolute path names for you. This makes your project portable across different environments.

import os  DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # ...  STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'static')  

Dne pátek, 22. února 2013 17:53:05 UTC+1 frocco napsal(a):

I have my static data mapped to:
STATIC_ROOT = '/wamp/www/static/'

If I hit the app at localhost/app
Everything is ok.

However when I debug in PyCharm, the static data does not map.

My templates use {{ STATIC_URL }}img/....

Thank you

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