Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Re: [Rails] Rails 4.0 Example app

Have you tried http://railscasts.com

He covers many of the things you asked about in various episodes. 

On Mar 18, 2013, at 3:32 PM, jleake@socit.co.uk wrote:

Hi All,
I have 30 years as a self employed software engineer and have been experimenting with rails for several years but !!

I would have made considerably more progress and been able to give back to the community if only there was a demo application that was released with each new rails release.

I am sure that it would take no more than 15 minutes of someone within the core team to produce an app that provides just the basic of use cases:

  1. Edit of multi-level nested attributes in a single form.
  2. Edit several models on the same form.
  3. Edit multiple records from a single model on the same form.
  4. Basic authentication.
  5. Digest authentication.
What do you think ?

P.S. On ubuntu using rvm Ruby 2.0 and Rails 4.0.0.beta1 and Ruby Mine 5.0.2 the installation of each went without any problems.  I just cannot find how to implement the simple examples listed above with Rails 4.

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