Monday, April 15, 2013

[android-developers] Re: Compatibility mode issues on 4.x

Now I also tested with a tablet emulator with 10.1 diagonal. The smallest side should be something around 7 inches. And I still get compatibility mode only until max. 320 dp, like in the Nexus 7.

Am Montag, 15. April 2013 23:53:26 UTC+2 schrieb user123:
The problem is the Nexus 7. The smallest side is 4.72 inches. But I can put max. 320 dp in the manifest for it to go in compatibility mode. With 321 it doesn't work anymore.

Am Montag, 15. April 2013 23:30:37 UTC+2 schrieb bob:
Let's just think about this for a minute.

320 dp is 2 inches.

Here are the specs for your Galaxy Nexus:

1280×720 px *(316 ppi)

So, we are interested in the smallest side.  That is 720.
720/316 = 2.27848101266 inches

So, it is rightly going into compatibility mode on your Galaxy phone since 2.27848101266 inches is longer than 2 inches.

Let's see what 2.27848101266 is in dp:

2.27848101266 * 160 = 364.556962026 dp

So, if you set it to 365dp or higher, then your phone should not go into compatibility mode.


On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:46:49 AM UTC-5, user123 wrote:
I'm trying to force compatibility mode on tablets, for a certain app, because I don't work on it anymore - and currently it looks really really messed up on tablets.

According to the documentation:

There are many different options to set up in the manifest, to make it possible, to the user, to enable compatibility mode. This is not exactly what I want, but anyways, maybe worth to mention, these options didn't work. I couldn't find anything on the device to switch to compatibility mode. I used a Nexus 7 with 4.2.

Now there's the part which I need - and I also can't get it to work. To force compatibility mode, it I have to use this element:
<supports-screens android:largestWidthLimitDp="320" />

When I let the value 320 there, my Galaxy Nexus smartphone goes in compatibility mode. That is unwanted.
The Nexus 7 also does, this is good.
So I have to use bigger dp - But starting at 321, for some reason I don't understand, the Nexus 7 doesn't go anymore in compatibility mode.

Is this normal? According to what I read the dp of the shortest side of the Nexus 7 is more than 500, why then it stops on 321?

I would let it on 320, but I have optimized layouts for this screen size and don't want these to go in compatibility mode.


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