Tuesday, April 23, 2013

[android-developers] Re: Deep sleep after 1 hour?

Heres a starter  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1082437/android-alarmmanager but you will probably need to do a bit more research on AlarmManager.

On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:51:00 UTC+1, paladin wrote:
It's actually sending the location of the phone every 30 seconds to the server. Where would the alarm be located that you're talking about?

On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:26:11 AM UTC-4, Dave Shortman wrote:
Does the app do anything else other than ping the server? Best way to approach this really would be to set an alarm which fires every 30 seconds, when you receive the alarm take a partial wakelock and fire a service to perform the ping, this service should also take and release a wakelock whilst performing the ping. 

On Monday, 22 April 2013 22:00:32 UTC+1, paladin wrote:
I have an app that is supposed to send a ping to a server every 30 seconds. When the app goes to sleep, it's still supposed to do this, but I've been testing and it seems to stop sending any updates after 1 hour, consistently. Is this a "deep sleep"? I have seen no documentation on this. Has anyone experienced this? Would anyone know how to keep it from going into deep sleep?

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