Re: CakePHP and jQuery DataTables
Really Great!
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Fernando Nery Filho <> wrote:
So earlier today I found here in the group that a few people discussed this, but I didn't find anyone who actually wrote the code, so I'm sharing it so anyone will have something to start.jQuery's DataTable is a really powerful tool to exhibit and manipulate data in a Table. It is also really quick to implement and have a big and extensive API and documentation.Check it here:, I would really like some opinion. Please keep in mind this is my first attempt to build a CakePHP application from scratch. haha.--So this is what I wanted: combine CakePHP 2.1 JSON and XML views with DataTable's Server-side processing so DataTable will handle my Views as CakePHP gets the data and sends me through AJAX.
I have it working in 3 parts: My view and the JS script that will tell DataTable what to do; the Controller I'm calling in; and the Component that will manage passing data variables both ways Cake and DataTable.VIEWjQuery(document).ready(function() {$('#tabela_controller').dataTable({
"bProcessing": true,"bServerSide": true,"sAjaxSource": "/Controller/index","fnServerParams": function (aoData) {aoData.push({"name":"model", "value":"Controller"});aoData.push({"name":"fields", "value": ["", ""] });},"sServerMethod": "POST"});});<table id="tabela_controller"><thead><tr><th class="hidden-480">ID</th><th width="70%">Name</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" class="dataTables_empty">Loading from server...</td></tr></tbody></table>CONTROLLERpublic function index() {$this->Genero->recursive = 0;if ($this->request->is('post')) {// Load RequestHandler so it will output JSON$this->RequestHandler->setContent('json', 'application/json');// Load my Component and transform DataTable request to something Cake will read$this->DataTable = $this->Components->load('DataTable');$params = $this->DataTable->modelParams($this->request->data);// Aditional Info for DataTable$params['iTotal'] = $this->Controller->find('count');// Does two things: uses $params created by modelParams and uses it to transform Cake nested result in something DataTable will read$json = $this->DataTable->outputView($this->Controller->find('all', $params),$params);$this->set(compact('json'));}}COMPONENT
public function modelParams($requestdata) {$out = array();// Fieldsif (isset($requestdata['fields'])) {$requestdata['fields'] = explode(",",$requestdata['fields']);foreach ($requestdata['fields'] as $value) {$out['fields'][] = $value;}}// Pagingif (isset($requestdata['iDisplayStart']) && $requestdata['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') {$out['offset'] = intval($requestdata['iDisplayLength']);$out['limit'] = intval($requestdata['iDisplayStart']);unset($requestdata['iDisplayLength']);unset($requestdata['iDisplayStart']);}// Orderingif (isset($requestdata['iSortCol_0'])) {for ($i=0; $i < intval($requestdata['iSortingCols']); $i++) {if ($requestdata['bSortable_'.intval($requestdata['iSortCol_'.$i])] == "true") {$out['order'][] = $requestdata['fields'][intval($requestdata['iSortCol_'.$i])] . ($requestdata['sSortDir_'.$i]==='asc' ? ' ASC' : ' DESC');}}unset($requestdata['iSortCol_0']);}// Filteringif (isset($requestdata['sSearch']) && $requestdata['sSearch'] != "") {for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($requestdata['fields']); $i++ ) {$out['conditions'][$requestdata['fields'][$i]] = "'%".$requestdata['sSearch']."%'";}unset($requestdata['sSearch']);}// Last Variables$out['sEcho'] = $requestdata['sEcho'];$out['model'] = $requestdata['model'];unset($requestdata);return $out;}public function outputView($result,$params) {// Initial variables$output = array("sEcho" => intval($params['sEcho']),"iTotalRecords" => $params['iTotal'],"iTotalDisplayRecords" => count($result),"aaData" => array());$model = $params['model'];unset($params['model']);// Include results$row = array();foreach($result as $linha) {$column = array();foreach ($linha[$model] as $value) {$column[] = $value;}unset($linha);$row[] = $column;}unset($result);$output['aaData'] = $row;unset($row);return $output;}
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