Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How many Plug-ins Is Too many

I guess the question already will depend on the size / scale of the site.

But with everything moving towards packaging components / helper and such as plugins is there a better way or does it really matter?


Bootstrap / facebook / twitter / js compressor / css compressor / UserManger / ContentManger / SeoManager / ContactManager / GalleryManager / BritaPurifirer / LESS / Sluggable / Cacheable


Just seems like a lot to load. Then on demand ones like Upload / Cropper / Publisher………I can go on all night.


Is there a best practice? Most of these run universally and required everywhere so it's not so much a pick and choose when to load them.


But if you created a site with no plugins for example and have say the mentioned above ones as straight controllers / models in the respective directories would it be the same thing?(would not do that obviously)

Is there an overhead to deal with or does Cake treat it as if was a regular model / controller as if it was sitting in the model / controller folders?


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