Wednesday, May 1, 2013

[Rails] Re: Does anyone who USES Rails hate Rails?

I am no fan of it.. I've been stranded in it for over a year now and i
still loath it. I have to stay because the job looks like crud on my
CV, and when people ask me what i've doing i have to say Rails. Then
the interview switches to developing in Rails, and i can see a whole new
world of joy ;)

Why i hate the framework for two reasons... 1 it touts ease and people
say (all over) that they can create apps in hours. The language is in
no way easier than c++ or java. The logic and math is the same..
Setting things up to scale is no easier. To be honest many things are
significantly harder than java and c++.. At least when you want you
want to make things really perform. Which brings me to the second bit
of reason 1. The apps that get built in an hour, only amaze people who
have no idea what programming is. Why this makes me not like it?
Because my bosses, and their clients hear the bit about easy, and fast
and budget according to this. I have to fight with each new feature.

The second reason that i dislike the framework is because it lowers the
bar too much. So much so that samples one finds when learning the
framework, they are often shown code that is bad in so many ways it
hurts my brain to think of it... But then the same people who produced
the samples say "well its just one way to do it". The low entry breads
lazy coders.. And they stay ignorant.

Ok. So now i sound like a real hater.. Here's the good of it. For small
low volume sites rails can get the job done. Rails sits on ruby, and
ruby sits on c. All the power one needs can be found.

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