Thursday, May 23, 2013

Re: Directory Protection

Just a suggestion, but why dont you create a images folder on the root of the server, them create a controller wich read the image and outputs to browser? It would be protected...

It would be like you create /app/images and upload the files to this folder, them only cake would have access, but for a better security, the root folder is advised. 

Em quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2013 23h08min56s UTC-3, advantage+ escreveu:

I have an" img/uploads" folder which has users profile images and such.


How do you go about protecting the folder so there is no access except when Cake gets the images?

So anyone can't just browse thru the directory?


Google search turned up MediaView so put the uploads outside of webroot, but
" As of 2.3 MediaView is deprecated and you can use CakeResponse::file() to send a file as response:"


Should it be set to use CakeResponse::file($path, $options = array())

Allows you to set a file for display or download


If so is there a simple example out there showing exactly how this would get the files and server it up?


$image = CakeResponse::file('where/file/is/here.jpg, $options = array())

$this->Controller->set('image', $image);





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