Thursday, May 2, 2013

Re: [Rails] Re: Does anyone who USES Rails hate Rails?

On 03/05/2013, at 12:09 AM, Matt Jones <> wrote:

On Thursday, 2 May 2013 05:19:17 UTC-4, Bigos wrote:
I hate Rails sometimes. Now and then I have a feeling that using Rails is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. For example Active record doesn't fit my every need and sometimes I have to use SQL. Because I use Rails I have lost much of my SQL skills. Last time I had some unusual problem it took me 6 hours to write a query. It seems that I modify problems to fit them into Rails instead of modifying Rails to adapt it to my problems.

Similarly, I've found that using C has really weakened my assembler skills. (trollface)

--Matt Jones 


It's not Rails that's a problem here, per-se, it's ORMs that the OP seems to have a problem with - shaping his application architecture choices. Maybe he should be using MagLev and therefore Gemstone ;-)

I agree that ORMs tend to make you think un-object-orientedly sometimes... but usually they can be worked around, and they provide a good pragmatic "best fit" for most uses. It's pretty darn good for free!



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