Monday, May 13, 2013

Re: Slotted - A Slot/Nesting Extension to Activities and Places

Slotted v1 has support for URLs for nested Activities with global parameters.  Meaning the URL will have the list of Activities with slashes and then have '?' followed by a parameter list (key=value).  I have been working on another version that allows for parameters to be attached to specific Activities similar to how the GWT A&P does it.  v2 is currently being used in a new development project.  It feels stable, but I wanted to give it a little more testing before release.

Currently Slotted doesn't provide support for CodeSplitting, but we are looking to add that over the next year.  We don't currently have a design for this, but any code splitting technique for Activities and Place can be used in Slotted.

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:46 AM, V.B. <> wrote:
   Slotted looks very promising. I have a question regarding bookmarking and URLs. Does Slotted have a built-in way of representing nested activities/places? Specifically, I would like to be able to include in the bookmark the current state of all nested activities. I was going to implement this myself, but if Slotted can help here I'll just use that instead. Also, how well does Slotted lend itself to code-splitting?

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