Saturday, May 25, 2013

Re: UberFire Demo - Rapidly Build Workbench and Console Applications in UberFire Today :)

s/maven modular/maven module/

On Sunday, May 26, 2013 4:14:52 AM UTC+1, Thanos wrote:

UberFire is an extensible workbench, built with Errai and GWT. UberFire and guvnor provide a base set of technologies to rapidly build Consoles, Workbenches and Rich Client Apps. On top of this Red Hat is building an extensive BRMS and BPMS set of technologies. UberFire provides the following high level features, many more planned:
-Dragge-able panels, with tab stack regions.
-Perspectives (statefully switches perspective screens, for different configurations of layouts, toolbars, menu bars)
-Contextual toolbar and panel, that changes depending on the focus panel
-Show/Hide toolbar
-Fully modular, each panel is a maven modular.
-Distributions (uberfire+plugins) built via maven compile time composition.
-Virtual File System abstraction, with nio2 API, and JGIT backend.
-High Availability cluster setup with Apache Helix.
-Recently updated to Twitter Bootstrap (so it stopped being ugly)

We then combine this with Guvnor, to provide (many more planned):
-GIT repo cloning, creation
-File/Project Explorers
-Custom editor plugins extensions with file type associations
-Maven project build, install and deploy
-Mini local Maven repo manager
-Problems View (errors, compilation problems, etc).

The Drools/Guvnor application, that UberFire was built for, has been rebuilt on top and it's finally at stage where we can demo it. So I've made  a small 3 minute demo, that I think the GWT community would like to see. The screen is a little cramped, as it was recorded at 1024x768, to ensure it worked on the projector, where it was shown as part of a Drools talk. You can watch it here. We'll do more extensive video's and tutorials soon:

How to build and run the demo yourselves:

We haven't updated the UberFire website, so all the screenshots are old and ugly, compared to the above video - but the code is all fine. So why not use UberFire to rapidly build your workbench and console applications today :)

You can catch us on the #droolsdev irc channel, watch out for porcelli or manstis; the two people driving this project. So pop on with any Qs, and contributors welcome :)

Do not use alpha1, as it's far behind. But the 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT in maven is usable, and built nightly, we'll release 0.2 soon.

Or you can build from HEAD too :)

If you aren't sure where to start, run the showcase app - which shows how to add a load of custom panels. And of course the Drools/Guvnor application shows how to build a large extensive application too:


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