Issue Update() function in MSSQLfor CakePHP
I am new to CakePHP but worked extensively in C++/C/Java etc. I already spend more than a day but could not figure out what is the reason for the following problem.
I am using latest XAMP version with 5.4.16 PHP, Apache 2.4.4. We have developed a small client on CakePHP with MYSQL DB. Its working fine. We already has similar DB in MSSQL. Now we need to run this client with MSSQL.
We are using php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_ts.dll and php_sqlsrv_54_ts.dll for MSSQL driver for this.
Whenever we are updating values in tables, we are using following UpdateAll() of Model.PHP which further calls update() of datasource as
$this->Configurationtable->updateAll(('Configurationtable.configuration_optionsetting' => $limit ), array('Configurationtable.configuration_optionname =' => $optionName)))
Where $limit and $optionName has value values. This work work in MYSQL and generates
UPDATE `dbname`.`configurationtable` AS `Configurationtable` SET `Configurationtable`.`configuration_optionsetting` = 12 WHERE `Configurationtable`.`configuration_optionname` = 'searchPaginationLimit'
But in MSSQL, it fails and generate something completely different like this
SELECT [Configurationtable].[id] AS [Configurationtable__id] FROM [configurationtable] AS [Configurationtable] WHERE [Configurationtable].[configuration_optionname] = N'searchPaginationLimit'
Now, if I modify the update() function in \Cake\Model\Datasource\Database\Sqlserver.php and make it similar to update() function in \Cake\Model\Datasource\Database\Mysql.php, then it works absolutely fine and generate a proper "Update" Query in MSSQL also?
I could not figure out WHY? Is it something I am doing wrong OR is there a bug in Cake?
Can you please help me.
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