Thursday, July 11, 2013

Re: [android-developers] Re: can _ever_ the intent received by a BroadcastReceiver onReceive() method be null?

a this is a step to the right direction ;)
notice they don't check for null

now any places the  ReceiverData object is initialized ?

btw search in grepcode Sucks big time ! could you in the name of Mordor tell me what I should make out from here :

compare :

In froyo the intent is just passed in :

In 4.2.2 we have the same in a constructor :

Now scheduleReceiver we have in ApplicationThreadNative :
 and in ActivityThread :

What's the difference ?

Anyway in ApplicationThreadNative it is called here and it is passed an intent from :

So Intent intent = Intent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);

but this is where I give up - where is this "data" (a Parcel instance) created ?

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:54:07 PM UTC+3, Piren wrote:
i'm pretty sure it's impossible to guarantee something like that... i don't think part of their new programmer orientation is "if you ever touch the code that runs BroadcastReceiver.onReceive...never send a null intent".

Either way, at least on android 4.2.2_r1, it seems like it's impossible to get a null intent. feel free to verify this is true for all previous versions as well (and don't forget to keep checking this method every time they make a new build).

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 4:09:27 PM UTC+3, Palmer Eldritch wrote:
That's nice advice - but in this case I think one should have a guarantee

Does it make sense to receive a null intent ? Is it even possible with the current android code ?

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 9:46:00 AM UTC+3, Piren wrote:
No point of being sure here... even if the current code is structured in a way that it shouldn't be null, nothing says it will stay like that in all future code revisions.
Ever since i started getting null exceptions from android (not NullPointerException... a Null instead of an exception) i learned it's always a good idea to check for nulls when you're supposed to receive an object.

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:01:13 AM UTC+3, Palmer Eldritch wrote:
I suspect it can't be null by construction - I just can't pin it down in code (or in docs)

It's nice to be sure

Can somebody point to the relevant code parts ?

I mean what paths lead to the onReceive being triggered ? Can we have a null intent in any of them ?

On Thursday, July 11, 2013 4:18:09 AM UTC+3, TreKing wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Palmer Eldritch <> wrote:
I mean nobody knows ??

Do you ever check the intent for being null and if not why ?

Here's what you do. Assume it will not be null, then use ACRA or some other bug-reporting tool to handle uncaught exceptions. If you get a null pointer exception from here, you know it can be null.

You're welcome.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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