Saturday, July 6, 2013

Re: GWT.create conference - call for presentations

Hey Joonas,

I currently live in San Diego but am considering a relocation to San Francisco so either way, it should be possible for me to attend the conference in SF.
I built this website entirely in core GWT (running on GAE + java) and I use a lot of the "fancier" GWT features extensively.
If you are interested, I could probably give a presentation on a lot of the best practices I use within my application.
Here are some example topics:

  • Making a GWT application Google crawl-able (using #! notation, Activities/Places and HtmlUnit).
  • Best practices when using UiBinder (<ui:with>, <ui:text>, anchors with SafeUris, html templates, HTMLPanel, preferring native html elements over widgets, nesting ui:binder based widgets)
  • Using the Editor Framework with UiBinder, jsr303 and field decorators for rendering validation errors.
  • Introducing split points into an app that uses Activites/Places using AsyncProxy and viewing the build artifacts using SOYC.
  • Stylizing CellTables with CSS, custom Cells, html templates
  • Embedding javascript libraries like Google Analytics, jquery and jquery plugins like CuteTime, fancybox, qtip (and maybe managing script injection at runtime).

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