Re: [Rails] HABTM Checkboxes
Have a search on Railscasts. This is covered there.
I have a Course model which habtm categories. I am trying to have checkboxes to add or delete categories from the new and update courses pages.Models:course.rb# == Schema Information## Table name: courses## id :integer not null, primary key# course_number :integer# partner :string(255)# title :string(255)# length :integer# includes_certification :boolean# overview :text# price :integer# created_at :datetime# updated_at :datetime# more_link :string(255)#class Course < ActiveRecord::Baseself.per_page = 8has_and_belongs_to_many :course_dateshas_and_belongs_to_many :categoriesattr_accessible :course_number, :partner, :title, :length, :includes_certification, :overview, :more_link, :price, :tags, :course_dates_attributes, :categories_attributesaccepts_nested_attributes_for :course_dates, allow_destroy: trueaccepts_nested_attributes_for :categories, allow_destroy: trueendcategory.rb# == Schema Information## Table name: categories## id :integer not null, primary key# name :string(255)# created_at :datetime# updated_at :datetime#class Category < ActiveRecord::Basehas_and_belongs_to_many :coursesattr_accessible :nameendMy form is being built from this partial:= simple_form_for(@course) do |f|= f.error_notification.form-inputs= f.input :course_number= f.input :partner= f.input :title= f.input :length= f.fields_for :course_dates do |builder|= render 'course_date_fields', f: builder= link_to_add_fields "Add Date", f, :course_dates= f.input :includes_certification= f.input :overview= f.input :more_link= hidden_field_tag "course[category_ids][]", nil- Category.all.each do |category|= check_box_tag "course[category_ids][]",, @course.category_ids.include?(, id: dom_id(category)= label_tag dom_id(category), f.input :price.form-actions= f.button :submitI tried using simple_form's f.association as: :check_boxes and also the f.collection_check_boxes but both end in the same problem. I can see the checkboxes but when I click update it doesn't save the categories I checked or unchecked.I have been trying to figure out why, figured it was a problem with mass assignment but I don't know what else I can do with attr_accessible to make it work.--
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