Friday, July 12, 2013

Re: [Rails] Isn't twitter bootstrap for amateurish front end work ?

On Friday, July 12, 2013 11:45:34 AM UTC-4, just-a-noob wrote:
Front end guys, especially front-end ninjas mostly don't use CSS framework such as bootstrap and foundation, because they don't want any limitation on their UI/UX design, for example button element design on frameworks looks typical, although it can be easily customised. Css framework is not just for amateur, I find it very helpful to speed up development. 

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Jedrin <> wrote:

 We use twitter bootstrap as it was recommended by a developer here last year. Everything done in bootstrap kind of has a similar look to it. I feel like I am a stronger back end developer. I have alot of basic understanding of HTML/CSS, but it seems there are specialists in front end development and people like that would never use something like bootstrap, nor would they need to. We don't have a front end development team here and we are supposed to design everything. I kind of get some negative feedback on my front end skills, but I feel like on the other hand, I'm just using this bootstrap thing as a kind of crutch otherwise I would be sort of challenged to create anything that looked half way professional.

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<%= rian %>

Founder - CTO 

I do both front end and back end work, although I was definitely stronger at front end when I started.  I don't use CSS frameworks, but I do have a set of css files I usually start with as my foundation and I now use SCSS quite a bit.  Frameworks are very functional and can produce very professional sites, but they carry a lot of overhead and limit design flexibility.  Most Rails books seem to be written by back end developers and usually don't give this much attention.  I can recommend one book, The Rails View, which does a good job if you are interested in expanding your skills in this area.

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