Tuesday, August 13, 2013

no module named whoosh.index

So I am learning from a tutorial, and everythin was going good except when I tried with LOGGING,and got this error:

ImportError at /articles/all

No module named whoosh.index

In my settings.py:

  LOGGING = {      'version': 1,      'disable_existing_loggers': True,      'formatters': {          'standard': {              'format': '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s'          },      },      'handlers': {          'default': {              'level': 'DEBUG',              'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',              'filename': 'logs/mylog.log',              'maxBytes': 1024*1024*5, # 5 MB              'backupCount': 5,              'formatter': 'standard',          },          'request_handler': {              'level': 'DEBUG',              'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',              'filename': 'logs/django_request.log',              'maxBytes': 1024*1024*5, # 5 MB              'backupCount':5,              'formatter': 'standard',          },      },      'loggers': {            '': {              'handlers': ['default'],              'level': DEBUG,              'propagate': True          },          'django.request': {              'handlers': ['request_handler'],              'level': 'DEBUG',              'propagate': False          },      }  }    WHOOSH_INDEX = 'C:/Users/Robin/web/django_test'


  from article.models import Article, Comment  from django.conf import settings  from whoosh.index import open_dir  from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser    import logging    logr = logging.getLogger(__name__)    def search_title(request):      ix = open_dir(settings.WHOOSH_INDEX)        articles = []        if request.method == "POST":          search_text = request.POST['search_text']          if search_text is not None and search_text != u"":              logr.debug(ix.schema)              parser = QueryParser("body", schema=ix.schema)                try:                  qry = parser.parse(search_text)              except:                  qry = None                if qry is not None:                  searcher = ix.searcher()                  articles = searcher.search(qry, terms= True)                  logr.debug(articles)          return render_to_response('ajax_search.html', {'articles':articles})

Can anyone please guide me here. Where am I doing wrong?
Thank you!

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