Monday, August 19, 2013

Re: [android-developers] Any suggestions for Ad platform in addition to AdMob


I think you may have to do less work if you use Burstly or Mopub as your mediation platform and demote admob to a second class citizen.  The require less SDK integrations.
You are right, the rich media ad units are the ones that will give you the most bang per impression.  I'm not as familiar with Mopub, but i know burstly can deliver rich media ad units from many 3rd party networks into their SDKs.

I *believe* they built their system where it takes into account the permissions available and delivers the appropriate ads.  At the very least you could just have the INTERNET permission to be able to load most ad units.
Doing s2s integrations would take some serious time and resources.  It boils down to having your own server and support MRAIDv2 in your application.  Mopub has open source MRAID compliant SDKs that you can drop into your application.  This will take down bloat and give you full control but it'll take a long time to develop. 

A prepackaged solution like Burstly might be your best choice.  In which case you could use something like Chartboost (static images, high cpm) and supplement it with admob or something.
The highest paid networks, though, will have you install an SDK simply because of the complexities of the ad unit.

There are a few choices and it depends on your scenario. 

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Nathan <> wrote:
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Thanks, everyone, for the great discussion.

I am just getting started in the advertising space.
1. Test and experiment
2. Watch out for SDK bloat. Don't ship your app with a gazillion SDKs.

Unfortunately, these appear to be in direct conflict.

Is mediation supposed to solve this?
Well, if I look at this chart.

It appears, if I'm not mistaken, that ALL of the networks mentioned require both an SDK and an adapter component.
And the four that were listed by Miguel as the top four, weren't even on this list, which either means they can't be mediated or I get to write my own adapters.

So no chance of trying out 20 ad networks without integrating 20 SDKs and 20 adapters. Any one of the SDKs or adapters could have some stupid bug and bring the whole app down. In the meantime, my APK is of abnormal size.

If I look at MoPub, it advertises "Server to server" integration, which might mean you need less SDKs. IT does have some footnotes.
"Note that in some cases, rich media and interstitial formats are only available through native SDK integrations."

I don't know if, in practice, this works out to less SDKS. If it does, that is a desirable goal.

And do most SDKs require the awful READ_PHONE_STATE permission?


On Saturday, August 17, 2013 8:16:31 PM UTC-7, Miguel Morales wrote:

I work for an monetization startup so i think i can weigh in on this.
We're currently not on Android, so i think i can be fair.

The networks beside us I can recommend are:


Most Ad SDKs give you a no fill response so you can always build your own waterfall or go for a mediation platform.


On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 7:09 PM, limtc <> wrote:
Thanks Kris! 

Now the problem is too many choices... anyone particularly good (especially work fine in additional to AdMob - means if AdMob has not enough ads, this takes over)? 

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