Re: [Lovers India] Dont Forget To Smile!!!!
Hey pallva,
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Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 07:51:46 +0000
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Subject: Re: [Lovers India] Dont Forget To Smile!!!!
Tarun Arora
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
From: PallavI <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:55:32 +0530
Subject: [Lovers India] Dont Forget To Smile!!!!
Life is Unfair
But don't feel Alone
I am always with you to make you smile
As you know life is unfair
so what???? if life is unfair,
Cryng is not solution .Don't Cry
Listen to me my dearest
Listen to me my dearest
My Heart Always beat with ur heart beats we are two bodies but a single soul.
Don't feel lonely
You Can feel I am Always Around you
Smile always as u look the most beautiful girl in world
when you are smiling
when you are smiling
Time is not same
always happines and sadnes is written in our luck
if today you are sad for sure tomorrow happines is waiting for you.
always happines and sadnes is written in our luck
if today you are sad for sure tomorrow happines is waiting for you.
If today is night of sorrow in your life
Time never stops .... So wait for good times.
There wil be joy in your life that you will enjoy your days and nights.

There wil be joy in your life that you will enjoy your days and nights.

So always Be Strong
Be a Strong girl
I am with you to share your happy moments and sad moments always
Call me when ever you feel alone i wil be beside you. I PROMISE.
I wil walk with you holding your hands
As i promise you that i am with u always
Believe me there wil be no miracle
but you must try to find happines on ur own
but you must try to find happines on ur own
Look into my eyes how much care and love i have for you
And i wana see u a strong women in future
So Sweet Heart Life is Beautiful look it with my eyes as i look my world is nice when you are with me
Let me give you a kiss with love and passion
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