Monday, September 30, 2013

Using PHPUnit for code that requires basic authentication

How do I write test cases in PHPUnit for code that is using the Auth module with basic authentication? I have found bits and pieces of information about it but does anyone know of a step by step howto or detailed documentation?

My code limits certain actions to certain user types so it calls the Auth->login method and then gets the user object from Auth ($User = $this->Auth->user()) and then checks the group_id ($User['group_id']).

There seem to be two approaches to this:
1. Mock the User object and the Auth component
2. Read the User information from the database and call Auth->login explicitly in the test setup

Which approach is "best practice"? Are there some cases where it is better to use one over the other?

Unfortunately, I have no real experience using PHPUnit or other unit testing frameworks.

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