Friday, October 18, 2013

[android-developers] Detecting the presence of a menu button.

A year and a half after Google wrote the blog "Say Goodbye to the Menu Button", I'm wishing I actually could. Manufacturers have not gotten the menu. 

All the bad things about the mysterious menu button in the 2X are only worse today with the overflow menu in the presence of a menu.

Forcing an overflow button, which I think should be a standard Android style, was once supported by ActionBarSherlock for 2X devices and is now

It does not occur to an average user that there are more options if he pushes a mysterious button, which in many devices is dark until pressed, like in the Galaxy S III.

I have had people write in angrily that my documentation files must be out of date because they don't see the same thing as in my screenshots. In a few case this has been because the same number of action bar buttons don't fit on all devices, in others

But anyway, I would like to provide extra help to users in this horribly confusing situation. Like a prompt that says "Try pushing a button to see more options on this page".

Is there a good way to detect:
Menu button (in some devices, it differs by orientation).
Overflow menu in use

I know fully well that I will have to violate at least one of the following Android Design Guidelines:
Settings and Help must be in the overflow menu (That won't help people that can't get to the overflow menu)
Don't show unsolicited help, except in limited circumstances. (the alternative might be that people never find certain features, including the *solicited* help). 

But if hardware manufactures insisted on violating the "Say Goodbye to the Menu Button" guideline, I feel it appropriate to respond in kind.


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