Thursday, October 24, 2013

Re: Sessions memory issue

Comment: GPGTools -


There are a couple of ways you can handle this, either you store the files in a database as a TEXT blob, or as a temporary file somewhere.

And you can identify your users with request.user if they have to have an account, or request.session.session_key if they don't, the session_key is the cookie. For either to work the client has to accept cookies.

The temporary file approach will required a database table to link the file name to the user.

I have used all of these and they all work well.

If you need the text to be persistent across sessions I would store it in a database, if it is around for an hour then just store it in a temporary file.

And make sure you have a process to delete old data.

Finally you could also compress the text when you save it.

Hopes this helps.


On Oct 24, 2013, at 3:51 PM, John Carlo <> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm a newbie with Django, I love it but something it's not clear to me. So I'm here to make a question. Thank you in advance.
> I have an application that has some istances of custom classes I wrote. At every client request, every istance creates a big list of strings. Then, a function combines the lists generated from the istances and send them to the client.
> I store the istances in the session, and the combining function get the istances through session. The problem is that the lists of strings comsume a lot of memory...
> I know that sessions are stored in database, I can see them in the table django_session, but they are kept also in RAM, and this is my problem.
> How can I reduce the RAM memory consumption?
> I thought 2 ways:
> 1) Find a way to move the lists from the RAM and put them in the db, I hope there is something built-in in django session, but I did not find them
> 2) Instead building the lists of strings, I create a temp file in which I will append every string. In the end the combining function reads the temp files and combines them
> Could you please help me? I'm really I'm really stuck on this...
> thank you very much!
> --
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