Saturday, October 5, 2013

what is the shortest code to make sure a dialogbox to stay inside an area when users try to move it out of that area?

Ok, let say I want my dialogbox to be moved within an area that have 500px width & 600px height. 

The rule is that If the users move the dialogbox out of that area, then the dialogbox will stay at where it was right at the point that it will be about to break the rule.

int currentTop=dialogBox.getPopupTop();
int currentLeft=dialogBox.getPopupLeft();

Ex: if the left of the dialogbox >500px & top >600px then .setPopupPosition(500, 600);
if  the left of the dialogbox >500px & top <600px & top>0 then .setPopupPosition(500, currentTop);
if  the left of the dialogbox <500px & >0 & top <600px & top>0 then .setPopupPosition(currentLeft, currentTop);
.... there are many other cases,

So what is the shortest code to make sure a dialogbox to stay inside an area when users try to move it out of that area, see an ex like this

U will see that u can't move the object out of the constrained area.

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